Archives for category: Blah Blah Blah…

Since my last post in July (!), I admit I did not return much to this blog. There was a couple of comments there and a few questions but that was it.

So I am quite surprsed the stats have gone up over the last 4 months! How ironic to think that the blog is more viewed when its creator is taking care of it anymore.

For those who wonder/wondered/are wondering, I am still very much interested by photography yet have expanded the interest to other visual art forms, in particular painting, architecture, cinematogrpahy and interior design.

I also recently realized I enjoy more being passive than active. This may mean I may end up being a collectionneur – but not until my boss give me a few extra bucks for my time in the office!

On a recent trip to Japan - Sunrise over tokyo

On a recent trip to Japan - Sunrise over tokyo

My last post is dated May 3rd, and this shows me how fast the pause taken over last 2 and half months have passed.

Unfortunately, it will continue for a while longer. As some of you may know, I have taken more professional responsibilities recently and a fresh academic objective regrettably means I will have even less time to dedicated to the blog.

This comes at a time where I recognize the readers count potential is promising: regardless of the poor update rhythm, the last 6 months have been the best in terms of unique page views.

I sincerely hope now this pause will not become definitive.

Keep your ‘photographic’ eye open.

We all perform.

It’s what we do for each other all the time,

deliberately or unintentionally.

It’s a way of telling about ourselves

in the hope of being recognized

as what we’d like to be.

Richard Avedon

From Hong Kong, I wish all of you a meaningful, healthy and prosperous year 2011!

Officially happening today is the permanent death of the Kodachrome film. About 18 months ago, Kodak announced it would stop manufacturing the rolls and the chemicals to develop them. The last roll ever produced was given to long-time Kodachrome fan Steve McCurry, who shot it in New York, India and finally Kansas where it would be developed.

I’m really sorry that Kodak gave up on Kodachrome. My family has many slides from the 1950s that my father took with Kodachrome 25 that still look like they were taken yesterday. I seriously doubt that there’s any technology out there now that will last as long and look as good 60 years hence.

– 1st comment made on New York Times’ Lens Blog post about today’s event

Dwayne’s Photo is the last spot ‘on Earth’ where the Kodachrome rolls can be developed. Today, they will stop accepting any additional rolls. Hopefully, Dwayne’s team will not run out of chemicals before everything is processed. To be honest, I doubt this is the last place. Let’s see if I can find elsewhere to develop those.

A while after the announcement, Kodak asked photographers Steve Guttman, Eric Meola and Steve McCurry to select some of their favorites pictures they took with the Kodachrome film and the result is here and more here.

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